
Dance Position

The position of the man and lady in relationship to each other when dancing. Posición relativa del hombre y la mujer durante el baile.


(Dev-Lo-Pay) An action whereby the free foot is drawn up to the knee of the supporting leg, and then extended (or "developed") until the leg is completely straight.

See also: [ Envelopé ]

Acción en la que el pié libre es elevado hasta la rodilla del pié de apoyo, y luego extendida (ó "desenvuelta") hasta que la pierna esté completamente herizontal..

Ver también: [ Envelopé ]

Diagonal Movement

Movement which is simoultneously lateral (sideways) and progressive (forward/back). Movimiento que es simultáneamente lateral (sideways) y progresivo (adelante/atrás).

Directing a Turn 

Moving the body toward a specific direction while turning. Mover el cuerpo en una dirección específica durante un giro.

Directional Movement

Movement toward a specific direction (as opposed to rotational movement). Three types of directional movement are Lateral, Progressive, and Diagonal. Movimiento hacia una dirección específica (por oposición a un movimiento rotacional). Un movimiento direccional puede ser: Lateral, Progresivo, ó Diagonal.


(1) Refers to the very beginning of each beat. If a measure is counted 1 & 2 & 3 & 4 &... then the numbers 1,2,3, and 4 are considered to be the downbeats, while the "ands" are the Upbeats.

(2) Refers to the strongest beats in each measure. In 4/4 music the downbeats are the 1 and the 3. (The upbeats are 2 and 4).


A type of movement in which the lady's body weight becomes partially or completely supported by the man, while at least one part of her body remains in contact with the floor. Tipo de movimiento en el que el peso del cuerpo de la mujer es total ó parcialmente soportado por el hombre, al tiempo que una parte de su cuerpo permanece en contacto con el suelo.


Changes in the various qualities of dancing, such as speed, height, mood, and intensity. Cambios en algunas de las cualidades de la danza, tales cómo velocidad, altura,talante, e intensidad

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